Historical Documents of The Cooper Union

I desire, by all that I can say and by all that I can do, to awaken in the minds of the rising generation an undying thirst for knowledge and virtue, in order that they may be able, by wise and honorable measures, to preserve the liberties we enjoy.

Peter Cooper, Letter to the Trustees



The goal of this project is to present historical documents of The Cooper Union in a more accessible manner—each document is annotated with margin notes to aid comprehension and provide commentary.

Historical Documents of The Cooper Union was started by George Ho (Cooper Union BSE ‘19). Please direct all comments, questions, and criticism to george[æ]eigenfoo.xyz.


Historical Documents of The Cooper Union was created with the Pollen publishing system, in the Racket programming language. The source files are versioned-controlled using Git and the published files are hosted on Netlify. Pollen and Racket have proven remarkably extensible and a pleasure to use.

The styling is borrowed heavily from the open-source Tufte CSS project.

The typeface used throughout this website is Equity, designed by Matthew Butterick.

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